My images do not show up in CC.NET what do I do?

There has been some confusion as to why the images are not showing up in the dashboard. A few people have made specific changes to the xslt file to resolve the issue. The underlying issue is the CC.NET path for the dashboard does not map to an actual path on the file system. Using Firebug, we determined the actual issue was the server is returning an HTTP 500 due to the fact that the relative path does not exist on the server.

In order to resolve the confusion, we have modified the xslt file to handle CC.NET out of the box. By following these few steps, you will be up and running in under five minutes.

By default, is installed in the “C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET” folder. Inside that folder, you will find a folder called webdashboard. This folder maps to the ccnet virtual web that is created when you install Three images are released with NCover, r.png, g.png, and y.png, these files are located in the “C:\Program Files\NCover\CC.Net” folder. If you copy these three files to the “C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\webdashboard\images” folder, and replace the NCoverReporting30.xsl in the “C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\webdashboard\xsl” folder, your images will begin to appear. If you are using the email report feature of, you will also need to replace the file located at “C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\xsl”.

If by some chance, you do not want to place the images in that folder, you will need to modify the xslt file to match the path you have placed the images. This can be done by modifying the “baseimagepath” variable in the xslt file

<xsl:variable name="baseimagepath" xml:space="preserve"><xsl:choose>
               <xsl:when test="not($fulltags)">/ccnet/images/</xsl:when>

All you need to do is change the path located in the when condition with an absolute path of your choice. This is a web path and not a file path. It is also absolute from the root of the server (webdashboard).

Your install may not be on the C drive, it may be D, E… The easiest way to determine the install path of CC.NET is to go to the Internet Information Server Manager, find the CC.NET virtual directory and right click the item and go to the Home Directory tab. Please consult your Windows help file or system admin if you are having trouble determining the root location.

You can also use the iisweb /query option on the command line. Choose yes if it asks you to register the cscript.

C:\>iisweb /query
Connecting to server ...Done.
Site Name (Metabase Path)               Status  IP              Port  Host
Default Web Site (W3SVC/1)              STARTED ALL             80    N/A
Microsoft SharePoint Admin    (W3SVC/2) STARTED ALL             7617  N/A

Find the name of the default web site or the name of the website that is installed. In our case it is W3SVC/1

C:\>iisvdir /query "W3SVC/1"
Connecting to server ...Done.
Alias                        Physical Root
/_vti_bin                    C:\Program Files\...\isapi
/CCNET                       C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\webdashboard\
/ServiceModelSamples         C:\inetpub\wwwroot\...

This xslt is part of the v3.0.15 release (or later) which is available on the download page. If you would like us to send you a copy of the file instead, please email