.NET Going Above & Beyond for Better Code

Although programmers may do what they do in part for the money, at NCover we believe great programmers do what they do for the code.  Great applications represent the intersection of great ideas and great execution.  We tip our hats to two .NET developers who have demonstrated a capacity for both.  Code on!

Joost van Schaik

ncover_mvp_joost_van_schaik_Joost van Schaik is a Geographical Information Systems architect and developer at Vicrea Solutions, Amersfoort, The Netherlands. He has been in the industry since 1992, and has been blogging .NET samples since October 2007. His motto is “talk is cheap, show me the code.” His blog, dotnetbyexample.blogspot.com, is his way of giving back to the developer community. His development credentials and accolades are both broad and deep and include writing in C#, developing on ASP.NET, being recognized as a Windows Platform Development MVP and Nokia Developer Champion, being a XAML enthusiast and being a confessed MVVMLight addict. When he is not helping others building quality code, you may find him in the garden or behind the lens of a camera. Follow him at his blog or on Twitter at @LocalJoost.

Sherman Chen

ncover_mvp_sherman_chen_twitterSherman Chen started his journey as a .NET developer during the early days when Microsoft.NET was birthed. Sherman was only a student in polytechnic when he first learned about Visual Studio .NET. During that time, he also picked up his first C# 1.0 book, and began his first “Hello World” example. Fast forwarding, after graduating and finishing National Service, Sherman began his career as a Professional Software Developer. It was during his first 2 years on this job that exposed him to 3rd party UI Framework Elements. After 9 years of working as a Professional Web Developer & 15 years of learning about .NET, Sherman felt that its time to expand his capabilities. He is now focusing on cross platform design and development. Learn more about him at his blog or follow him on Twitter at @crossplatdev.


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