Source code view with IIS coverage

Source code view with IIS coverage


I am doing a coverage with IIS. It runs the coverage and when I look at the results in Ncover Explorer it only shows the type tree on the left (with coverage on mouseover) and not the source code on the right side.

Is there a way I can specify where the source files are located so NCover can show the "normal" more helpful view? Or is there another approach to this?

UPDATE: By manually adding documents nodes in the coverage.xml file (and referencing back to the document from the correct sequence point nodes) I was able to see the source code, but there is got to be a better way?

RE: Source code view with IIS coverage

If you enable "Warn about missing source files" in NCover Explorer on the Application Options screen you'll be prompted for a source location any time you click on a class or method that source can't be found for. Subsequent source files should be found once you choose a location.