NCover hangs using NAnt and NUnit

NCover hangs using NAnt and NUnit

I am trying to use NCover to provide metrics against unit tests as part of an automated build using Cruise Control.

I shell the NUnit command line using NAnt and the tests _appear_ to run under the profiler but when the tests are complete the build just hangs for a minute or so and then advises me that "Profiled process terminated.  Profiler connection not established."

I am using NAnt v0.85 (build: 0.86.2553.0; nightly; 28/Dec/2006)
                NUnit v2.2.9
                .Net 2
                NCover v1.5.5

A copy of my NAnt target is below:

<target name="run-code-coverage-analysis">

<exec program="${ncover.console.exe}">

<arg value="//x &quot;${}&quot; &quot;${nunit.console.exe}&quot; &quot;${}/${}&quot;"/>



Any help/pointers is very much appreciated.
