NCover Explorer should automatically open generated reports

NCover Explorer should automatically open generated reports

I used the toolbar icon to generate a code coverage report by namespace. After NCover Explorer finishes report generation it should automatically open the HTML report.


Re: NCover Explorer should automatically open generated reports

Hi Markus,

NCoverExplorer does do exactly that if the checkbox on the report screen "Display After Generation" has been ticked... is it unchecked in your circumstance?

Re: NCover Explorer should automatically open generated reports

Yes, there is a checkbox at the bottom of the report dialog, but I suggest its activation by default. I think this is what most users want.

Re: NCover Explorer should automatically open generated reports

Hi Markus,

It is already the default. Perhaps you accidentally unchecked it at some point. The settings are persisted when the form is closed so perhaps that is what led to the confusion.

Re: Dependeicnes Not Covered

I found my problem. Definately stupid user error. :-(

At some point when testing builds, I must have tested the installer, which places the non Test.dll modules in the GAC. Of course, at the point, they have no pdb files. Once I uninstalled, everything was fine.


Re: build symbols?

I believe you are referring to the .pdb files that are created when a Debug build of an assembly is created; you should find MyProject.MyAssembly.dll and MyProject.MyAssembly.pdb in the /bin/debug folder, or whever your output ends up. If you're building from Visual Studio, make sure that the Debug build is selected; if building from a build script such as NAnt, make sure that the Debug flag is sent to the compiler.