Merging NCover files

Merging NCover files


I have two XML coverage files created by running ncover twice (on two different NUnit projects).

Then I use ncoverexplorer to merge these files

ncoverexplorer.console *.xml /s:MergedCoverage.xml

When I try to open this MergedCoverage.xml I get 'Invalid NCover coverage xml file' error.

Am I not supposed to be able to open this merged file in 'NCoverExplorer'? If not how do I merge results of two ncover runs and see them together?

Thanks Kedar

RE: Merging NCover files


The command you posted should do what you want it to do. Which versions of NCover and NCoverExplorer are you using? Could you post what NCoverExplorer.Console prints on the console window when you run the command?

Thank you, Stephen Ward

RE: Merging NCover files

I have had problems with merging - coverage result was smaller than one of the files being merged. So I switched from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 to see if the problem is fixed. Now I get "Invalid NCover coverage xml file" after merging.

  • Alexey.

RE: Merging NCover files


Let me know if you are using 32- or 64-bit and I'll send you an internal build of ours that fixes the merge issue.

Thanks, Alan Johnson NCover Team