Coverage Report not Accumulating Statistics at all

Coverage Report not Accumulating Statistics at all


We purchased NCover a few months back to help with our QA cycles. It seemed to work for a while, but lately it doesn't do much.

We are starting it using the NCover Explorer, version 2.0.2, and we are using this against an IIS.

These are the command line options that it shows:

"C:\Program Files\NCover\NCover.Console.exe"


//w "D:\Clients\GB_v4\bin"

//x "D:\Clients\Coverage.xml"


//l "D:\Clients\Coverage.log"

//p "DevKennesaw"


When we load the report, there is a list of assemblies and classes, but there is no statistic accumulation at all. The file size is about 2.5 meg, whereas before it was betweeen 17 and 34 meg.

Please advise... Thank you Josh

RE: Coverage Report not Accumulating Statistics at all

the most likely problem is that NCover is unable to locate some of the pdbs. Could you email the log file to support at gnoso dot com?


RE: Coverage Report not Accumulating Statistics at

Hey, thank you for the response Stephen. Unfortunately, it is not even generating the Log file :-(

Here is one note:

We have a number of application-specific DLLs, but we also use Enterprise Library, and we do not include the PDBs for those binaries into the BIN folder, as well as some third-party DLLs that are compiled in release mode so we cannot even get those PDBs. Would this be a problem? Doesn't seem like it should be...

Thanks, Josh

RE: Coverage Report not Accumulating Statistics at all

Does NCover return with an exception or an error code? The PDBs missing that you mentioned shouldn't affect the output as long as NCover can find the PDBs for the main application dlls (the ones you want profiled).

RE: Coverage Report not Accumulating Statistics at


Thanks for the reply. This is unfortunately getting more and more frustrating...

I have my web app in:


I ran NCover.bat with params like this:

"C:\Program Files\NCover\NCover.Console.exe" //reg //w "D:\Clients\GB_v4\bin" //l "D:\Clients\Coverage.log" //p " IIS Testing" //iis

This resulted in an empty Coverage.xml file.

Next, I placed a CD command in the bat file:

cd GB_v4\bin "C:\Program Files\NCover\NCover.Console.exe" //reg //w "D:\Clients\GB_v4\bin" //l "D:\Clients\Coverage.log" //p " IIS Testing" //iis

Now, mytstically, it dumped an 18 meg coverage file, containing stats for all the PDB files in the bin directory.

I tried the same thing again, but this time it only contained the ASP_ DLLs, none of my pre-compiled DLLs that were sitting in bin.... And, thus the XML contained only 3 megabytes.

Very frustrating and inconsistent. Anyone have any ideas?

If not, does anyone know of alternatives to NCover for IIS apps? Does anyone know how well Team System's coverage works?

Thank you, Josh

RE: Coverage Report not Accumulating Statistics at


Have you installed .net 2.0 sp1 or .net 3.5 on that machine, or is it a clean 2.0 install?

