Ncover times out trying to shut down iis

Ncover times out trying to shut down iis

Hey all, I am using ncover 2.10 to try and cover selenium tests controlled by cruisecontrol,. I followed the tutorial and all seems to be fine (ignoring that most of my pages time out before they load... a problem with selenium timeouts). However, Ncover barfs when I tell it to stop covering IIS. I run ncover with the following:

NCover.Console.exe //iis

When I hit Control-C as instructed, NCover tells me it is killing IIS, then throws an exception. I got a window asking me to debug, which I decline, and then I get the following, which included all my ncover console output:

C:\Program Files\NCover>NCover.Console.exe //iis NCover.Console v2.1.0 (Administrator x86) - Code Coverage Analysis for .NET Copyright (c) 2008 Gnoso Inc.

Registered to Customer #: 16323 NCover Enterprise Edition (1 User) 29 days left in the trial period.

Command: Command Args: Working Directory: Assemblies:

Program Output Starting Service [World Wide Web Publishing Service]... The profiler will not connect until you load an ASP.NET page. Press Control-C to stop the service and collect coverage data.

Received Control Event: Ctrl_C Stopping Service [World Wide Web Publishing Service]

Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus desiredStatus, TimeSpan timeout) at NCover.Framework.StartupProfiledProcess.SynchronousStop() at NCover.Framework.StartupProfiledProcess.StopService() at NCover.Framework.StartupProfiledProcess.Stop() at NCover.ConsoleMain.ConsoleMain.ControlEventDispatch(ConsoleEvent consoleEvent)

Is there a way I can increase how long ncover takes to try and kill IIS, or is there some IIS knob I can fiddle with to increase the timeout window or prevent it all together?

RE: Ncover times out trying to shut down iis

unfortunatly, there is no way to modify that timeout from outside NCover. That it happened means that IIS took longer than 1 minute to shutdown, which is very unusual.

Have you tried starting NCover and doing a few of the tests manually, without running selenium, and then trying to shut NCover down? That would tell us whether selenium was trying to keep IIS open. If that doesn't work, you can try shutting IIS down manually by stopping the W3SVC service and seeing how long IIS takes to shutdown.

Which operating system are the tests running on?

RE: Ncover times out trying to shut down iis

Thanks for the reply I could run tests manually, but that negates what I am trying to do with NCover, which is, figure out which classes are involved in automated test pages, so that developers know to verify that tests are still valid after code changes.

I eventually got ncover to spit out something by doing what you suggested, i.e. by killing IIS manually. Ncover produced a 112 MB file... that is large even for NCover, right?

I am using Windows 2003 on my box. The automated selenium tests will be using the same under vmware.


RE: Ncover times out trying to shut down iis


112 mb would be large for a coverage file, not so large for a log file. If that 112 mb file is a coverage file, then the most likely cause of the error is that the 60 second timeout is not long enough for NCover to gather the data from IIS before shutting it down and we (NCover team) needs to talk about extending the timeout or dropping it altogether. Could I send a trial build if NCover (w/ no timeout) to the email on your user profile so that we can figure out if the timeout is the problem?


RE: Ncover times out trying to shut down iis

I would welcome the trial build without the timeout to see if that is the problem Thanks

RE: Ncover times out trying to shut down iis

I have sent the trial build to the email address on your account.