Trend Report

Trend Report

I have a nightly CC job that generates a full coverage report for all of our projects and, since I upgraded to 3.1.4, it has started timing out (after an hour).

I just tried using ncover.upconvert to convert the trend file but it runs into a problem that I have experienced with other ncover applications: it doesn't find the license key on a 64 bit machine. I installed 64bit ncover but have to use the x86 version because .

Undeterred, I copied the trend file (which is > 1Gb) to another machine and tried to upconvert it there:

---- Top level exception: System.ArgumentException An item with the same key has already been added. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Add(TKey key, TValue value) at NCover.Framework.Models.Trends.TrendCoverageDataSqLite.DocumentHash(TrendCoverageData inputTre nd) at NCover.Framework.Models.Trends.TrendCoverageDataSqLite.AppendModules(TrendCoverageExecutionCon versionWrapper wrapper, TrendCoverageData inputTrend) at NCover.Framework.Models.Trends.TrendCoverageDataSqLite.Append(TrendCoverageData inputTrend) at NCover.UpConvert.Program.Process()

at NCover.UpConvert.Program.Run(String[] args, IOutputWriter output)

I have moved the old trend file for now so that the report can complete but it sure would be nice to not lose the trends as they show a pleasing, steady upward slope :-)

It'd also be nice to have a way to prune the trend files to, say, trim it down to just monthly checkpoints or to get rid of data for a range of dates. The file is over a gigabybte after a few months - it can only get bigger!

You might also consider the technique we used at my previous company (we sold a coverage tool for java) which was to keep checkpoints rather than full trends. Trends are nice but, as a developer, I am most interested in seeing progress relative to a handful of checkpoints (yesterday, last week, the start of this release, the beginning of time). A full trend report is more useful but it requires a lot more data.

RE: Trend Report

We have a fix for that file and it converts much quicker.

Can you email joe or support @ ncover.

I am not sure why 64 bit did not work, please email support for that also.

Joe Feser