Help crap4n support your XML?

Help crap4n support your XML?

It would be fantastic if you could either generate a CRAP metric from your tools, or contribute to the crap4n project ( to do the same - it currently supports PartCover.

CRAP stands (heh) for "Change Risk Analysis and Prediction" and is a measure of cyclomatic complexity vs code-coverage, trended over time (and hopefully, trended split by person), which is intended to spot checkins that make maintainability worse. That is, a checkin that decreases code-coverage (because it lacks tests) gives a bad score; a checkin that increases cyclomatic complexity gives a bad score; there's some weighting and reporting.

It's based on crap4j which is the Java implementation, an Eclipse plugin:

RE: Help crap4n support your XML?

What version of NCover are you using.

It shows that you have downloaded v3.1 4 months ago but you started a trial less than a month ago.

Thank you,

Joe Feser