Can NCover start and profile multiple apps?

Can NCover start and profile multiple apps?

We have a use case where we need to start a plethora of applications. AFAIK, NCover needs to start the application for which the coverage data is required.

In my case, I need coverage numbers for all those applications started in this use case. One way, how we are trying to solve this problem, is to start multiple NCover instances which in turn starts the applications under coverage.

Is there a better way of achieving this?

One laborious task with multiple instances is that, we still have to manually merge all these information to make sense of numbers for that particular use case.

I am looking forward to a way, where NCover can start all these processes at a time and that single XML file shall contain the coverage results for my use case!

RE: Can NCover start and profile multiple apps?

In the current release there is not a better way of covering multiple applications at the same time. We are working on the problem, but due to architectural issues, I can't tell you when we'll be done just yet.