Project Coverage % does not add up

Project Coverage % does not add up

When I am running some reports on our code the overall coverage % does not add up.

Example: My Function Coverage for a report shows 32.1%, but I do not have a single assembly with less than 60% coverage so there is no way the overall number is right.

I am running ncover via the command line and am passing in a slew of assemblies to omit. Is it possible that although the assemblies are being omitted, but the numbers are still being rolled into the final %?

RE: Project Coverage % does not add up

function coverage isn't symbol coverage so its entirely possible for you to have 60% symbol coverage and 32% method coverage (weird though).

if you're filtering on the ncover.console command line then the assemblies that are excluded don't even get code coverage calculated on them, so they can't be affecting the total.

if you'd like, the ncover support people are usually happy to investigate coverge % weirdness.

RE: Project Coverage % does not add up

I may try to call later this afternoon to chat with Support, but have a full day on my plate so may have to wait until next week.