Some basic questions...

Some basic questions...


My project is an ASP.NET web app in inetpub/wwwroot (Windows 7).

If I select IIS website, there are no options to select such as path.

In Windows or Console application, what are te following:

Path to application to profile - is this the test runner or my actual app? It sounds a little misleading.

Would working folder be a Winform App's bin folder?


RE: Some basic questions...

"Path to application to profile" should be the test runner if you're executing tests, or the actual app if you're doing manual testing.

"working folder" should be the bin folder of the application you're testing in most cases. This is the folder that will be the working folder of the "path to application to profile" application.

IIS you don't need to select a path since NCover will cover everything that runs in IIS when this option is selected.