Zero coverage

Zero coverage


I'm using NCover version 3.0.14.

I'm running NCover console, which runs NUnit. The problem is that I get 0 zero coverage for almost all DLLs which are being used by the application, i.e. when I open the coverage report using NCover Explorer, I see lots of entries like SomeDLL(0%) in the left panel.

I opened the generated NCover log, and it seems that symbols ARE being loaded for of all these DLLs, in the following form: "Loaded symbols for module CLRID[0x0F0CE000] Name[c:\mydir\SomeDLL.dll] From [c:\mydir\SomeDLL.pdb]"

I have to say that the DLLs are being compiled on a different machine, and then the DLLs & PDBs are being copied to the machine which runs NCover. On a completely different machine, where I build the DLLs and run NCover on the same machine, I get the expected results (non-zero coverage).

Any idea what the problem could be?

I'm using the following command line:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\NCover\NCover.Console.exe" //l "c:\mydir\ncover.log" //ll Verbose //x "c:\LibTests-coverage.xml" c:\myDir\nunit-console-x86.exe /noshadow /nothread /domain=None /xml="c:\LibTests-results.xml" c:\mydir\LibTests.dll

Thanks, Yonatan.

RE: Zero coverage

One more thing: As I understand, in order to generate coverage info, only the pdb's are needed to be available, not the source code. Am I right?

RE: Zero coverage

You're right, only the pdbs are needed to run coverage.

RE: Zero coverage

Thanks to the excellent support of Alan and his team who identified the problem: NGen was used as part of the installation process of our application. This prevented the code from being JITed, and this is why the coverage was zero. The solution was to remove NGen from our process (only for NCover purposes).