Covering IIS web application or web service

Covering IIS web application or web service


Please guide me to get the coverage of below scenario. 1. Web Application/service on the IIS. 2. Client application running on the same machine.

Now I want to cover the Client application and the Web Application/service (client is communicating with).

Is there anyway to select a particular web application/service for IIS? If yes can you please provide the steps with the above example.

Regards, Nishant

RE: Covering IIS web application or web service

Great question! Of course, you can run NCover with the //iis flag in one console, like:

NCover.Console.exe //iis //x IIS.nccov

And then run another copy of NCover on your client in a difference console with:

NCover.Console.exe //x Client.nccov Client.exe

You're probably wanting to automate the process, though, which can be a good bit trickier. I've got a script up online, though, that may do the trick for you. It uses MSBuild and uses Jay Flowers' excellent asyncexec MSBuild task. You can find that script at

RE: Covering IIS web application or web service

I'm sorry, I completely forgot that the sample code I linked to above was for NAnt, not for MSBuild.