


I have a problem concerning nhibernate-tests. The same tests are run error-free with msbuild (after I corrected the late binding-problem), but not with ncover (v3.4.12.6869)

I get this error: (Es konnte keine Instanz der Bond.InfrastructureLogic.DataAccessTest.SessionHelperTest-Klasse erstellt werden.) Fehler: System.Exception: Could not create the driver from NHibernate.Driver.SQLite20Driver, NHibernate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=aa95f207798dfdb4.

Thanks in advance! Juliane

RE: NHibernate-Tests


What platform you're running? Since I'm not familiar with this exception, I'm going to discuss this with another developer and get back with you shortly.

RE: NHibernate-Tests


It seems the issue is related to NHibernate. I found some possible leads on the issue in the following posts:



Do either of these provide the solution you're looking for?

RE: NHibernate-Tests


thanks for your reply. It didn't solve my problem though. For our NHibernate-Unit-tests we use an InMemory-Database and therefore we use System.Data.SQLite (CopyLocal=true, dll gets copied), latest version 1.0.66. Our Build runs on MS Windows Server Server 2003 R2, ServicePack 2.

RE: NHibernate-Tests

Bummer. Thanks for letting me know. I've done some more searching and haven't come up with anything substantive. Since this is an issue with NHibernate's operation, I'm not sure I can be of much further help. Have you tried asking the developers at NHibernate what might be going on? http://nhforge.org/Default.aspx. Please let us know what you find.