Ncover Runner issue

Ncover Runner issue

While running NCover Runner , I get the error  "File  or assembly name nunit.core, or one of its dependencies, was not found." . Also on viewing the coverage.log file ,  for most of the system dlls ,it says Failed to load symbols for modules . Just can't understand how to solve this . I tried registering the nunit.core.dll in the GAC . but then the NCover thows an error saying  the Test dll is in invalid format .

EVENT:   Log link established.
EVENT:   Communications link established.
MESSAGE: Ready for command input.
EVENT:   Verbose Logging Disabled
EVENT:   Logging Enabled
EVENT:   AutoExclusion Enabled
MESSAGE: Monitoring Assemblies: (All Loaded Assemblies)
MESSAGE: Excluding Types and Methods with these Attributes: (No Exclusions Specified)
MESSAGE: Received driver ready event.
MESSAGE: v1.1.4322
EVENT:   Profiler Initialize
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadStarted ---- Assembly: 0x0015ff80; 0x00000001
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadStarted ---- Module: 0x79b7c000; 0x00000001
MESSAGE:   Failed to load symbols for module [c:\windows\\framework\v1.1.4322\mscorlib.dll] in [c:\windows\\framework\v1.1.4322].
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadFinished ---- Module[c:\windows\\framework\v1.1.4322\mscorlib.dll]: 0x79b7c000; 0x00000001
DUMP:    Module; NcModuleId: 0x00000001; PrfModuleId: 0x79b7c000; ModuleName: 'c:\windows\\framework\v1.1.4322\mscorlib.dll'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyID: 0x00000000
MESSAGE:   ModuleAttachedToAssembly ---- Module[c:\windows\\framework\v1.1.4322\mscorlib.dll]: 0x79b7c000; 0x00000001 attached To Assembly[]: 0x0015ff80; 0x00000001
MESSAGE:   Assembly Identity [mscorlib].
EVENT:     Monitoring Assembly [mscorlib][0x0015ff80]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadFinished ---- Assembly[mscorlib]: 0x0015ff80; 0x00000001
DUMP:    Assembly; NcAssemblyID: 0x00000001; PrfAssemblyID: 0x0015ff80; AssemblyName: 'mscorlib'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyIdentity: 'mscorlib'; Instrument: 1
MESSAGE: AppDomainCreationStarted ---- AppDomain: 0x793eadc8; 0x00000001
MESSAGE: AppDomainCreationFinished ---- AppDomain[mscorlib.dll]: 0x793eadc8; 0x00000001
DUMP:    AppDomain; NcAppDomainId: 0x00000001; PrfAppDomainId: 0x793eadc8; AppDomainName: 'mscorlib.dll'; Loaded: 1
MESSAGE: AppDomainCreationStarted ---- AppDomain: 0x0015a148; 0x00000002
MESSAGE: AppDomainCreationFinished ---- AppDomain[DefaultDomain]: 0x0015a148; 0x00000002
DUMP:    AppDomain; NcAppDomainId: 0x00000002; PrfAppDomainId: 0x0015a148; AppDomainName: 'DefaultDomain'; Loaded: 1
MESSAGE: AppDomainCreationStarted ---- AppDomain: 0x793ec298; 0x00000003
MESSAGE: AppDomainCreationFinished ---- AppDomain[EE Shared Assembly Repository]: 0x793ec298; 0x00000003
DUMP:    AppDomain; NcAppDomainId: 0x00000003; PrfAppDomainId: 0x793ec298; AppDomainName: 'EE Shared Assembly Repository'; Loaded: 1
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadStarted ---- Assembly: 0x00176f08; 0x00000002
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadStarted ---- Module: 0x00185788; 0x00000002
MESSAGE:   Failed to load symbols for module [C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.2.4\bin\nunit-console.exe] in [C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.2.4\bin].
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadFinished ---- Module[C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.2.4\bin\nunit-console.exe]: 0x00185788; 0x00000002
DUMP:    Module; NcModuleId: 0x00000002; PrfModuleId: 0x00185788; ModuleName: 'C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.2.4\bin\nunit-console.exe'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyID: 0x00000000
MESSAGE:   ModuleAttachedToAssembly ---- Module[C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.2.4\bin\nunit-console.exe]: 0x00185788; 0x00000002 attached To Assembly[]: 0x00176f08; 0x00000002
MESSAGE:   Assembly Identity [nunit-console].
EVENT:     Monitoring Assembly [nunit-console][0x00176f08]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadFinished ---- Assembly[nunit-console]: 0x00176f08; 0x00000002
DUMP:    Assembly; NcAssemblyID: 0x00000002; PrfAssemblyID: 0x00176f08; AssemblyName: 'nunit-console'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyIdentity: 'nunit-console'; Instrument: 1
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadStarted ---- Assembly: 0x00190e50; 0x00000003
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadStarted ---- Module: 0x0018f1b8; 0x00000003
MESSAGE:   Failed to load symbols for module [c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit-console-runner.dll] in [c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin].
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadFinished ---- Module[c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit-console-runner.dll]: 0x0018f1b8; 0x00000003
DUMP:    Module; NcModuleId: 0x00000003; PrfModuleId: 0x0018f1b8; ModuleName: 'c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit-console-runner.dll'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyID: 0x00000000
MESSAGE:   ModuleAttachedToAssembly ---- Module[c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit-console-runner.dll]: 0x0018f1b8; 0x00000003 attached To Assembly[]: 0x00190e50; 0x00000003
MESSAGE:   Assembly Identity [nunit-console-runner].
EVENT:     Monitoring Assembly [nunit-console-runner][0x00190e50]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadFinished ---- Assembly[nunit-console-runner]: 0x00190e50; 0x00000003
DUMP:    Assembly; NcAssemblyID: 0x00000003; PrfAssemblyID: 0x00190e50; AssemblyName: 'nunit-console-runner'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyIdentity: 'nunit-console-runner'; Instrument: 1
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadStarted ---- Assembly: 0x001a9b20; 0x00000004
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadStarted ---- Module: 0x001a63e8; 0x00000004
MESSAGE:   Failed to load symbols for module [c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.util.dll] in [c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin].
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadFinished ---- Module[c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.util.dll]: 0x001a63e8; 0x00000004
DUMP:    Module; NcModuleId: 0x00000004; PrfModuleId: 0x001a63e8; ModuleName: 'c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.util.dll'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyID: 0x00000000
MESSAGE:   ModuleAttachedToAssembly ---- Module[c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.util.dll]: 0x001a63e8; 0x00000004 attached To Assembly[]: 0x001a9b20; 0x00000004
MESSAGE:   Assembly Identity [nunit.util].
EVENT:     Monitoring Assembly [nunit.util][0x001a9b20]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadFinished ---- Assembly[nunit.util]: 0x001a9b20; 0x00000004
DUMP:    Assembly; NcAssemblyID: 0x00000004; PrfAssemblyID: 0x001a9b20; AssemblyName: 'nunit.util'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyIdentity: 'nunit.util'; Instrument: 1
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadStarted ---- Assembly: 0x001b3dc0; 0x00000005
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadStarted ---- Module: 0x7bebc000; 0x00000005
MESSAGE:   Failed to load symbols for module [c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll] in [c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089].
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadFinished ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll]: 0x7bebc000; 0x00000005
DUMP:    Module; NcModuleId: 0x00000005; PrfModuleId: 0x7bebc000; ModuleName: 'c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyID: 0x00000000
MESSAGE:   ModuleAttachedToAssembly ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll]: 0x7bebc000; 0x00000005 attached To Assembly[]: 0x001b3dc0; 0x00000005
MESSAGE:   Assembly Identity [system.xml].
EVENT:     Monitoring Assembly [System.Xml][0x001b3dc0]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadFinished ---- Assembly[System.Xml]: 0x001b3dc0; 0x00000005
DUMP:    Assembly; NcAssemblyID: 0x00000005; PrfAssemblyID: 0x001b3dc0; AssemblyName: 'System.Xml'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyIdentity: 'system.xml'; Instrument: 1
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadStarted ---- Assembly: 0x001af9c8; 0x00000006
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadStarted ---- Module: 0x001b5610; 0x00000006
MESSAGE:   Failed to load symbols for module [c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.core.dll] in [c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin].
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadFinished ---- Module[c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.core.dll]: 0x001b5610; 0x00000006
DUMP:    Module; NcModuleId: 0x00000006; PrfModuleId: 0x001b5610; ModuleName: 'c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.core.dll'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyID: 0x00000000
MESSAGE:   ModuleAttachedToAssembly ---- Module[c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.core.dll]: 0x001b5610; 0x00000006 attached To Assembly[]: 0x001af9c8; 0x00000006
MESSAGE:   Assembly Identity [nunit.core].
EVENT:     Monitoring Assembly [nunit.core][0x001af9c8]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadFinished ---- Assembly[nunit.core]: 0x001af9c8; 0x00000006
DUMP:    Assembly; NcAssemblyID: 0x00000006; PrfAssemblyID: 0x001af9c8; AssemblyName: 'nunit.core'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyIdentity: 'nunit.core'; Instrument: 1
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadStarted ---- Assembly: 0x001c89f8; 0x00000007
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadStarted ---- Module: 0x7b2f60b0; 0x00000007
MESSAGE:   Failed to load symbols for module [c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.dll] in [c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089].
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadFinished ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.dll]: 0x7b2f60b0; 0x00000007
DUMP:    Module; NcModuleId: 0x00000007; PrfModuleId: 0x7b2f60b0; ModuleName: 'c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.dll'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyID: 0x00000000
MESSAGE:   ModuleAttachedToAssembly ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.dll]: 0x7b2f60b0; 0x00000007 attached To Assembly[]: 0x001c89f8; 0x00000007
MESSAGE:   Assembly Identity [system].
EVENT:     Monitoring Assembly [System][0x001c89f8]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadFinished ---- Assembly[System]: 0x001c89f8; 0x00000007
DUMP:    Assembly; NcAssemblyID: 0x00000007; PrfAssemblyID: 0x001c89f8; AssemblyName: 'System'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyIdentity: 'system'; Instrument: 1
MESSAGE: AppDomainCreationStarted ---- AppDomain: 0x001dd878; 0x00000004
MESSAGE: AppDomainCreationFinished ---- AppDomain[D:\CRL-EDRMS\Development Area\EDRMS Web Application\Application\CTDS.Workflow\TESTS\CTDS.Workflow.Tests.Nunit\bin\Debug\CTDS.Workflow.Tests.Nunit.dll]: 0x001dd878; 0x00000004
DUMP:    AppDomain; NcAppDomainId: 0x00000004; PrfAppDomainId: 0x001dd878; AppDomainName: 'D:\CRL-EDRMS\Development Area\EDRMS Web Application\Application\CTDS.Workflow\TESTS\CTDS.Workflow.Tests.Nunit\bin\Debug\CTDS.Workflow.Tests.Nunit.dll'; Loaded: 1
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadStarted ---- Assembly: 0x0022d008; 0x00000008
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadStarted ---- Module: 0x0022e988; 0x00000008
MESSAGE:   Failed to load symbols for module [c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.core.dll] in [c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin].
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadFinished ---- Module[c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.core.dll]: 0x0022e988; 0x00000008
DUMP:    Module; NcModuleId: 0x00000008; PrfModuleId: 0x0022e988; ModuleName: 'c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.core.dll'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyID: 0x00000000
MESSAGE:   ModuleAttachedToAssembly ---- Module[c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.core.dll]: 0x0022e988; 0x00000008 attached To Assembly[]: 0x0022d008; 0x00000008
MESSAGE:   Assembly Identity [nunit.core].
EVENT:     Monitoring Assembly [nunit.core][0x0022d008]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadFinished ---- Assembly[nunit.core]: 0x0022d008; 0x00000008
DUMP:    Assembly; NcAssemblyID: 0x00000008; PrfAssemblyID: 0x0022d008; AssemblyName: 'nunit.core'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyIdentity: 'nunit.core'; Instrument: 1
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadStarted ---- Assembly: 0x001e9da0; 0x00000009
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadStarted ---- Module: 0x0022d200; 0x00000009
MESSAGE:   Failed to load symbols for module [c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.dll] in [c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089].
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadFinished ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.dll]: 0x0022d200; 0x00000009
DUMP:    Module; NcModuleId: 0x00000009; PrfModuleId: 0x0022d200; ModuleName: 'c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.dll'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyID: 0x00000000
MESSAGE:   ModuleAttachedToAssembly ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.dll]: 0x0022d200; 0x00000009 attached To Assembly[]: 0x001e9da0; 0x00000009
MESSAGE:   Assembly Identity [system].
EVENT:     Monitoring Assembly [System][0x001e9da0]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadFinished ---- Assembly[System]: 0x001e9da0; 0x00000009
DUMP:    Assembly; NcAssemblyID: 0x00000009; PrfAssemblyID: 0x001e9da0; AssemblyName: 'System'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyIdentity: 'system'; Instrument: 1
MESSAGE: AssemblyUnloadStarted ---- Assembly Never Loaded[0x0012d164]
MESSAGE: AssemblyUnloadFinished ---- Assembly Never Loaded[0x0012d164]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadStarted ---- Assembly: 0x001f30f8; 0x0000000a
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadStarted ---- Module: 0x002072c8; 0x0000000a
MESSAGE:   Failed to load symbols for module [c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll] in [c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089].
MESSAGE:   ModuleLoadFinished ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll]: 0x002072c8; 0x0000000a
DUMP:    Module; NcModuleId: 0x0000000a; PrfModuleId: 0x002072c8; ModuleName: 'c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyID: 0x00000000
MESSAGE:   ModuleAttachedToAssembly ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll]: 0x002072c8; 0x0000000a attached To Assembly[]: 0x001f30f8; 0x0000000a
MESSAGE:   Assembly Identity [system.xml].
EVENT:     Monitoring Assembly [System.Xml][0x001f30f8]
MESSAGE: AssemblyLoadFinished ---- Assembly[System.Xml]: 0x001f30f8; 0x0000000a
DUMP:    Assembly; NcAssemblyID: 0x0000000a; PrfAssemblyID: 0x001f30f8; AssemblyName: 'System.Xml'; Loaded: 1; AssemblyIdentity: 'system.xml'; Instrument: 1
MESSAGE: AssemblyUnloadStarted ---- Assembly[nunit.core]: 0x0022d008; 0x00000008
MESSAGE:   ModuleUnloadStarted ---- Module[c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.core.dll]: 0x0022e988; 0x00000008
MESSAGE:   ModuleUnloadFinished ---- Module[c:\program files\nunit 2.2.4\bin\nunit.core.dll]: 0x0022e988; 0x00000008
MESSAGE: AssemblyUnloadFinished ---- Assembly[nunit.core]: 0x0022d008; 0x00000008
MESSAGE: AssemblyUnloadStarted ---- Assembly[System]: 0x001e9da0; 0x00000009
MESSAGE:   ModuleUnloadStarted ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.dll]: 0x0022d200; 0x00000009
MESSAGE:   ModuleUnloadFinished ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.dll]: 0x0022d200; 0x00000009
MESSAGE: AssemblyUnloadFinished ---- Assembly[System]: 0x001e9da0; 0x00000009
MESSAGE: AssemblyUnloadStarted ---- Assembly[System.Xml]: 0x001f30f8; 0x0000000a
MESSAGE:   ModuleUnloadStarted ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll]: 0x002072c8; 0x0000000a
MESSAGE:   ModuleUnloadFinished ---- Module[c:\windows\assembly\gac\system.xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll]: 0x002072c8; 0x0000000a
MESSAGE: AssemblyUnloadFinished ---- Assembly[System.Xml]: 0x001f30f8; 0x0000000a
MESSAGE: AppDomainShutdownStarted ---- AppDomain[D:\CRL-EDRMS\Development Area\EDRMS Web Application\Application\CTDS.Workflow\TESTS\CTDS.Workflow.Tests.Nunit\bin\Debug\CTDS.Workflow.Tests.Nunit.dll]: 0x001dd878; 0x00000004
MESSAGE: AppDomainShutdownFinished ---- AppDomain[D:\CRL-EDRMS\Development Area\EDRMS Web Application\Application\CTDS.Workflow\TESTS\CTDS.Workflow.Tests.Nunit\bin\Debug\CTDS.Workflow.Tests.Nunit.dll]: 0x001dd878; 0x00000004
EVENT:   Profiler Shutdown
MESSAGE: Signalling Shutdown.
EVENT:   Data link established.
MESSAGE: Received driver ready event.


Re: Silent Installation script for NUnit, NCover and NCoverExplo

Hi Srinu,

We do something that may help you, depending on your exact objective.

We do not install them silently... we actually do not install them at all. We start by doing an install on a machine. We then copy the installed files directly in our repository (Subversion in our case). Then whenever somebody gets the branch, they get the software, nice and ready to be used.

I have to warn you that I think one dll from NCover needs to registered. That is unless you use it with the NAnt tasks (which is our case). But I'm not 100% sure.

If this does not work on your set-up, please explain you exact need (why do you need a silent install).


Re: Silent Installation script for NUnit, NCover and NCoverExplo


Tthanks for your reply. Let me explain you the scenario. We have machines which we image frequently. Whenever, I image the machine, all the contents on the machine are lost. I'd like to automate the process where I copy all the three tools on to the imaged machine and then install them silently.

Effectively, I need a script wherein I have to run that script from the command line and the rest should be taken care (installation of NUnit, NCover and NCoverExplorer) of by the script itself.

Please reply back if this does not answer your question.

Cheers! Srinu

Re: Silent Installation script for NUnit, NCover and NCoverExplo


What many teams do is put the tools under source control as part of your project, so they get deployed to a new machine by pulling down all your source code from version control. All those tools are able to be "xcopy deployed" and work in this fashion. 

As Nick pointed out NCover does require that CoverLib.dll is COM registered on your machine, which you can handle in a number of ways:

  1. Register as part of your NAnt/MSBuild script each time coverage is run.
  2. Use the <ncover> task from my on my site. This temporarily registers CoverLib.dll itself while running coverage
  3. The very latest NCover versions include a command-line switch to do the same trick as the <ncover> task does.

Then you setup your build script to work with the relative path to the tools folder and you now have a solution that can be built by anyone rather than requiring their machine to have been setup with various tools as part of an image.