Coverage of windows service - no results

Coverage of windows service - no results

Hi. I'm new to ncover, i just installed NCover Complete Trial v3.4.18.6937 x86 I have a windows service which i am trying to get coverage results for. The service hosts a set of webservices. I have an nunit project which exercises these webservice.

I launch the service through ncover explorer. I see in the output window i see that the service is started and it says "Process 'myapp' [PID 123] has begun profiling."

In the bottom left of the window it says "Starting NCover.." This message stays at starting, i presume it should change to say something like started??

I open nunit, run some test which pass, then close it. i then click "stop coverage" in ncover explorer. i see no results. Any ideas?

RE: Coverage of windows service - no results

Hi Liam,

NCover won't finish collection until the covered process has stopped. After you click "Stop Coverage", can you verify your service has actually ended?


NCover Support

RE: Coverage of windows service - no results

Hi. Yes i can confirm that the service is started when i select "run coverage" and stopped when i select "Stop coverage". The PID printed in the program output window also matches that of the running process. Liam

RE: Coverage of windows service - no results

Hi. I just tried running my service using the console as command and i get some results. Any ideas why the console command works but explorer does not?

Edited title, no idea where the title is being pulled from.

RE: Re: ASP.Net Profiling

Hi Liam,

It may be the following default setting in Explorer:

Application Options > Project Settings > Output Options > Advanced Options (bottom of the same tab), the "Only cover assemblies with source file information" check box.

Sorry I didn't recall this right away when you said you were using Explorer.


NCover Support

RE: Re: ASP.Net Profiling

Hi. I changed that check box and now i get coverage results through explorer.

Thanks, Liam

RE: Re: ASP.Net Profiling


That's great news -- thanks for letting us know!

NCover Support