ExcludeAttribute does not work for properties

ExcludeAttribute does not work for properties


I have some properties in a C# file that are automatically generated. I have added the attribute to the list of attributes to be excluded, but it is still appearing in the coverage reports. Applying the attribute exclusion does work for methods and constructors, but not properties.

Here is the code with the attribute: [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Services.Design", "1.0.0")] public global::System.Guid OID { get { return this.OID; } set { this.OnOIDChanging(value); this.OID = value; this.OnOIDChanged(); } }

And in the exclude attributes section I have specified: System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute

I am using NCover Explorer Complete v3.4.18.6937 x64.


RE: ExcludeAttribute does not work for properties

Hi Craig,

Thanks for posting!

Property exclusions aren't implemented in NCover 3, but they are in NCover 4.

Stay tuned for more...

NCover Support