How to use NCocer in new AppDomain?

How to use NCocer in new AppDomain?


My requirement is that

  1.    Create a ClassLibrary1 which create a new Appdomain and load ClassLibrary2.
  2.    Create a WindowsApplication1 which refer ClassLibrary1
  3.    I want to check the coverage for ClassLibrary2 by WindowsApplication1, cannot succeed, the failed message is MESSAGE: Failed to load symbols for module [ClassLibrary2 .DLL] in [E:\Documents and Settings\TedZhao\Local Settings\Application Data\assembly\dl3\1Q7ZCKQY.V1Z\M725W5XV.9KD\fc935e1a\3c1329bb_722cc601].
  4. When create the AppDomain, the ShadowCopyFiles is true,
  5. if the shadowcopyfiles is false, this problem don't occur.


Thanks in advance!


Re: NCover Vista 64bit

NCover should run in 32-bit mode on a 64bit copy of Vista, however it will definitely not run in a 64-bit process at this time.