NCover GUI Tool

NCover GUI Tool


I have looked all over the internet for a half decent .Net GUI for NCover but could not find one, so I created one. Please give it a try and let me know what you think.


Re: NCover GUI Tool

Did you try "test Driven .Net" That product integrates Visual Studio with NUnit, NCover and NCover Explorer. I use it a lot.


Re: NCover strips quotation marks

I've recorded it as a defect to look at.

Re: NCover strips quotation marks

A workaround is to use the \ delemiter to prevent NCover from removing the quotation marks.

In your example, enclose the arguments to MbUnit.Cons.exe  with \" instead of just ":

C:\Programme\NCover\NCover.Console.exe //x "D:\Dokumente\SharpDevelop Projects\UnitTest\NCover\Coverage.Xml" //l "D:\Dokumente\SharpDevelop Projects\UnitTest\NCover\Coverage.log" "D:\Corsavy\SharpDevelop\bin\Tools\MbUnit\MbUnit.Cons.exe" /report-name-format:mbunit /report-type:Xml /report-folder:\"D:\Dokumente\SharpDevelop Projects\UnitTest\NCover\" \"D:\Dokumente\SharpDevelop Projects\UnitTest\bin\Debug\UnitTest.dll\"

Re: NCover strips quotation marks

Any estimate on when this might get fixed? It's making SharpDevelop a pain to use right now :)


Re: NCover strips quotation marks

It looks like the NCover bug won't be fixed soon, so I've added the workaround to SharpDevelop.

Re: NCover strips quotation marks

Looks like the problem is inside Settings.cs line 99. When arguments are sent to the application the quotations are stripped off. Then when NCover builds the argument string it just concats the string with the stripped quotations to the argument string. A trivial fix would be to change the line

ps.CommandLineArgs = string.Format("{0} {1}", ps.CommandLineArgs, arg[i]);

to this:

ps.CommandLineArgs = string.Format("{0} \"{1}\"", ps.CommandLineArgs, arg[i]);

This would wrap every argument in quotations, which should be fine.

Re: Creating account

I have no idea what you are referring to - do you have a context for that comment?

Re: readonly CoverageReport.xsl leads to an error

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for that - I will take a look into it shortly. Sitting in Bangkok airport on my way for a holiday for a few weeks - got the code with me of course in case I cant help myself while I am away...

Have a great Christmas...

Re: readonly CoverageReport.xsl leads to an error

This has been fixed for the upcoming NCoverExplorer 1.3.6 release.

Re: Can't view some source files

The reason why it thinks a file is out of date is because the coverage.xml file contains sequence point information (line and column numbers) whichdo not exist in the source code file that it loads at the location specified also in the coverage.xml file (extracted from the pdb files).

So how can this go wrong? Obviously if the source code file is changed is one way. Another possibility is that there is some issue of versioning of the pdb files, with old ones being picked up for coverage information, or the source code may have been moved.

Another possibility is there is some incorrect information in the coverage.xml file. NCover 1.5.5 has a number of known issues, and it is possible you have become a victim of one of them. I can't recall any issues like this creating this problem though. You could try NCover 1.5.4 and see if you still have the issue.

What I suggest you do is open the coverage.xml file, and do a search for the offending class file name. Examine the path it specifies in the "document" attribute - does this match where the source file exists?

Re: Can't view some source files

Turns out I was doing something wrong, and the coverage.xml was not being generated when I ran ncover.  Once I fixed this problem I was able to drill into the source.

Details of my mistake:
I copied ncover.console.exe and a few other files to a new folder (under version control) and ran them.  Did not copy coverlib.dll though.  So the registry was unable to find a coverlib.dll in the folder where I was running ncover.console.exe and it got pissed.  No coverage.xml file was created.  So I had been looking at an old version of coverage.xml that was out of sync with the src code.  Live and learn.

Re: Can't view some source files

You have to Build your project before you run NCoverExplorer again.
After you build your project then RunNCover.