64bit operating system + .Net 2.0

64bit operating system + .Net 2.0

Does NCover run within an 64bit operating system?

Does NCover support .Net 2.0 on Visual Studio 2005?

Re: Coverage.Xsl file question

I don't believe so. In earlier versions of NCover it did this by default however this was removed. I don't know Peters exact reasons but I suspect that (1) as there was no code checking for read-only flags on files it would frequently fail, and (2) few people use that stylesheet as they instead do code coverage as part of CC.Net or running with NCoverExplorer.

So your choices are to either deploy as part of a NAnt/MSBuild/command task running NCover, or to instead use the (biased opinion of course) far superior NCoverExplorer tool to browse your coverage and/or produce coverage reports.