Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit

Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit

I am using Nunit to run my unit test, in my nunit test dll I am launching a process (which I then test using  UI Automation (if interested see following page for more details on UI automation http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/05/09/TestRun/default.aspx)).  Currrently I am getting code coverage on the test dll, but not the Process that is launch.  I have tried to use //a passing the assemblies of the process that is being started, but this does not workr.  Any suggestions how to get code coverage on the process that is started would be greatly appreciated.


RE: Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit

Anyone get this working?

RE: Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit


the "//pm <sub process name>" option profiles a particular child process, not its parent, and it should do what you're trying to do here.

Regards, Stephen Ward

RE: Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit

What if you want to profile the parent and child process ?

RE: Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit

You would not use the //pm flag and you would have to spawn off the second process with ncover.

You would need to use two different coverage files and then merge the results.

Currently there is no other way.


RE: Possible to get coverage on Process that is launch by Nunit

Is this now possible at least? It doesn't make sense profiling only the child processes and ignoring the parent. This is possible with other profilers [Don't want to name them here]

RE: Possible to get coverage on Process that is la

This is possible now, as of our latest beta.

If you would like access to the beta, send an email to support@ncover.com and mention that you want access to this feature and we'll send you links to the beta and a description of how to use the feature.