Can't exclude anonymous methods

Can't exclude anonymous methods

I have NCoverExcludeAttribute in my solution which excludes class code from coverage report (being used with //ea key). But when my class contains anonymous delegates

 public class Class1()
        // ...
        public void Method(string actionArgument)

            // ...
            IActionCondition registered = conditions.Find(delegate(IActionCondition test)
                return test.GetType() == actionCondition.GetType();
            // ...

It cannot be excluded since anonymous delegate outputs latent class, which doesn't receive attibute

I would like excluding attribute to be influent on aggregated classes or some swither to let anonymous delegates not be included to cover report

Re: NCover 1.5.4 Observations

What is with those bizarre <seqpnt> line numbers that we all see randomly injected in the coverage.xml files from time to time (16707566)?

A co-worker looked into this, and apparently in the profiler API this line number is sent for items that do not have line numbers and profiling tools should ignore them.  NCover should be checking to see if the line number is 16707566 and ignoring it.

Re: NCoverExplorer output not appearing in CruiseControl

Hi Peter,

Firstly, when you look in the build log xml file, does it show a report section for the merged coverage report xml? I know you said ccnet.log reports it merging but have you eyeballed it to see not only is it there but does it have any content? The outer tag is called <coverageReport>.

Assuming that is all there, then the only other culprit can be the stylesheets. So as you said above as per the instructions you copied the latest stylesheets that were in the into your\webdashboard\xsl folder and made the the dashboard.config change?

If still having problems email me your build log xml file and I will take a look - you can use to reach me.