NCoverExplorer 1.3.5 beta

NCoverExplorer 1.3.5 beta

For those of you wanting to play with the latest toys (or swap some bugs you have told me about with some new ones I have just put in). I will maintain this thread with updates every now and then as I make them to the next build of NCoverExplorer. The official release is likely at least a few weeks away as I add the odd feature based on time available. I also would like it to try to coincide with when Peter has NCover 1.5.5 ready to make sure I include any necessary changes for that.

I have just pushed another build up to the website at the links below. The list of changes (will be added to through the thread and are in the release notes):

  • Added new function coverage viewing options and module/class coverage report. Indicates the percentage of functions covered (rather than the sequence points within each). Supported by a new "satisfactory function threshold". Requires update to stylesheet in CC.Net folder.
  • Fixed a bug whereby overloaded constructors with class level variable declarations were being merged into a single constructor in the coverage results as they had the same "start line" of the variable. Now uses end line as part of the identifying key for each method. From this thread.
  • Background colours can now be customised for nodes in the tree, as requested on this thread.

NCoverExplorer Build 1.3.5 beta:

NCoverExplorer.Extras Build 1.3.5 beta:

For those of you who are willing to try the "beta" builds out and provide me feedback on the new features or any new bugs found - my many thanks in advance for your feedback. Either drop me an e-mail from the Help->Send Feedback link or post your issues related specifically to this version in this thread.