Can't run with several nunit test assemblies

Can't run with several nunit test assemblies

Hi all and specially Kiwidude,
here is a little NAnt example:

  <target name = "ncover" depends = "build.all.debug, misc" >
    <mkdir dir = "${reports.dir}\ncover" failonerror="false"/>
    <ncover program = "${project::get-base-directory()}\third_part\ncover\NCover.Console.exe"
            commandLineExe = "${nunit.dist.dir}\nunit-console.exe"
            commandLineArgs = "test.1.dll test.2.dll"
            workingDirectory = "${dist.dir}"
            coverageFile = "${reports.dir}\ncover\edk.ncover.xml"
            logFile = "${reports.dir}\ncover\edk.ncover.log"
            excludeAttributes = "TestFixture">
        <assemblies basedir = "${dist.dir}">
            <include name = "com..dll" />
            <exclude name = "
.dll" />
    <style style="${third_part.dir}\ncover\Coverage.xsl" in="${reports.dir}\ncover\edk.ncover.xml" out="${reports.dir}\ncover\edk.ncover.html" />

This code worked well with the first (1.3.5 Beta) NCover.Explorer Extras NAnt task the "style" call was never called.

I upgraded to the, and this solves the "style" call issue, great. But now, I can't run the code above with several test assemblies. Note this code works if I let only the "test.1.dll" assembly, if I specify the second assembly, I get the following error message:
Assembly not found:  test.1.dll test.2.dll

Thanks for the help.


Note I didn't add anything to the code after upgrade.