Commandline options ignored when using a config file?

Commandline options ignored when using a config file?


I am running NCoverExplorer ( like this:
NCoverExplorer.Console.exe *.dll-coverage.xml /config:NCoverExplorer.Console.config "/project:xxx" /minCov
erage:80 /xml /html /report:ModuleClassSummary /excluded:true

The .config file does not contain a <CoverageFileNames> element, as you can see I specify them on the command-line. However, I get the following error:
'No coverage filenames were supplied to merge or report with.' when running NCoverExplorer like above. If I put <CoverageFileNames> in the config it works.

In v1.3.5 you could use the tool like above, and we used to have a config with just the <CoverageExclusions> and specify the rest of the options on the command line.

Can you confirm this behavior, or am I doing something wrong?

-- Roelof.