NCoverExplorer.Console.exe Problems

NCoverExplorer.Console.exe Problems


I've set up CCNET with NAnt/FxCop and now with NCover&NCoverExplorer. It all works well...except for NCoverExplorer.Console.exe with the following Parameter

 /r[eport]:       Type of report to produce (default=1):
                  0 = None
                  1 = ModuleSummary
                  2 = NamespaceSummary
                  3 = ModuleNamespaceSummary
                  4 = ModuleClassSummary
                  5 = ModuleClassFunctionSummary

I get the "same result" if I do /r:4 or if I use /r:5, I thought ModuleClassFunctionSummary would create a list of function of the Class and each of their %-age.

Here is the Xml created with /r:4:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href='CoverageReport.xsl' type='text/xsl'?>
<!-- Generated by NCoverExplorer url= -->
<coverageReport reportTitle="Module Class Summary" date="Tue 26-Sep-2006" time="16:10:04" version="">
  <project name="Bank.NUnit.dll" files="2" classes="2" members="7" nonCommentLines="18" sequencePoints="18" unvisitedPoints="1" unvisitedFunctions="1" coverage="94.44444" acceptable="95" functionCoverage="85.71429" acceptableFunction="80" filteredBy="None" sortedBy="Name">
      <coverageFile>C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Web\Log\NCover\Bank.NUnit.dll-NCover-results.xml</coverageFile>
    <module name="Bank.Impl.DLL" sequencePoints="11" unvisitedPoints="1" coverage="90.90909" acceptable="95">
      <namespace name="Bank.Impl" sequencePoints="11" unvisitedPoints="1" coverage="90.90909">
        <class name="Account" sequencePoints="11" unvisitedPoints="1" coverage="90.90909" />
    <module name="Bank.NUnit.DLL" sequencePoints="7" unvisitedPoints="0" coverage="100" acceptable="95">
      <namespace name="Bank.NUnit" sequencePoints="7" unvisitedPoints="0" coverage="100">
        <class name="AccountTest" sequencePoints="7" unvisitedPoints="0" coverage="100" />

Here is the XML created with /r:5

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href='CoverageReport.xsl' type='text/xsl'?>
<!-- Generated by NCoverExplorer url= -->
<coverageReport reportTitle="Module Class Function Summary" date="Tue 26-Sep-2006" time="16:14:37" version="">
  <project name="Bank.NUnit.dll" files="2" classes="2" members="7" nonCommentLines="18" sequencePoints="18" unvisitedPoints="1" unvisitedFunctions="1" coverage="94.44444" acceptable="95" functionCoverage="85.71429" acceptableFunction="80" filteredBy="None" sortedBy="Name">
      <coverageFile>C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Web\Log\NCover\Bank.NUnit.dll-NCover-results.xml</coverageFile>
    <module name="Bank.Impl.DLL" sequencePoints="6" unvisitedPoints="1" coverage="83.3333359" acceptable="80">
      <namespace name="Bank.Impl" sequencePoints="6" unvisitedPoints="1" coverage="83.3333359">
        <class name="Account" sequencePoints="6" unvisitedPoints="1" coverage="83.3333359" />
    <module name="Bank.NUnit.DLL" sequencePoints="1" unvisitedPoints="0" coverage="100" acceptable="80">
      <namespace name="Bank.NUnit" sequencePoints="1" unvisitedPoints="0" coverage="100">
        <class name="AccountTest" sequencePoints="1" unvisitedPoints="0" coverage="100" />

I have marked it with Red where I was expecting to see what the %-age was for each function/method like in NCoverExplore app. But that isn't there. Also the %-age is different than the previous parameter? I tested with /r:2, /r:3, /r:4, /r:5 and /r:5 was the only one who gave different %-age.

Am I expecting functionality that isnt there or?

A little about my setup:

I've created a .BAT file in C:\Windows that looks like this:

@echo off
"C:\Program Files\NCoverExplore\NCoverExplorer.Console.exe" %*

Catalog structure:

C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Web\Log


Here is my Cmd line that I use:

C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Web\Log>NCoverExplorer.Controle.bat
     "C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Web\Log\NCover\Bank*.xml"

Few comments here:

  • I had to use full path for NCover Xml file. Otherwise I got "Index was outside the bounds of the array." Tried using .\NCover\Bank*.xml.
  • I also had to use "..\" for the Xml and HTML generated by NCoverExplorer. If I used NCoverExplorer\MyXML.xml I got the following error:
    Could not find a part of the path "C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Web\Log\NCover\NCoverExplorer\
    MyXML.xml". So basically NCoverExplorer.Console.exe executes where the NCover XML is located?

Otherwise I totally love the look of NCoverExplorer and looking forward in using it in my comming projects.
