ncover, mbunit and

ncover, mbunit and

We use ncover with mbunit in

When we have failing tests, the project does not fail. if we do the same thing directly in mbunit, it does fail.
This nant code calls ncover.

What are we doing wrong?

<exec failonerror="${FailTests}" program="D:\Thirdparty\NCover\ncover.console.exe" workingdir="${LatestBuild}" commandline=" &quot;${ThirdPartyAssemblies}MbUnit\MbUnit.Cons.exe&quot; &quot;${LatestBuild}${Company}.${Project}.Smoketests.dll&quot; /rnf:mbunit /rf:${Artifacts}mbUnit\ /rt:Xml //a ${Company}.${Project} //x ${Artifacts}ncover\ncoverreport.xml //ea CoverageExcludeAttribute"></exec>

Yves Hanoulle

Re: HELP! &quot;Fatal execution engine error&quot;

Were you also the person who posted in a comment on my blog about this? SOmeone asked about this a few days ago.

Basically you are pretty much out of luck - you have hit a long known bug in NCover 1.3.3, a version that is long since deprecated and no longer supported. When we hit this we found that changing the scope of the running tests sometimes resulted in avoiding it - e.g. instead of running at class level run at assembly level etc (talking about running with TD.Net here). I never asked Peter exactly what the cause was but it seemed to be related to certain orderings of the code being profiled. Sometimes it would magically correct itself after a bit of churn on the codebase, and sometimes not.

However your only real solid fix is to install the .NET 2.0 framework on your machine and use the latest NCover version. You dont have to upgrade your project to .NET 2.0 (NCover 1.5.8 profiles 1.1 as well as 2.0 applications).