MSBuild task NCoverExlporer wrong output dir FullCoverageRep

MSBuild task NCoverExlporer wrong output dir FullCoverageRep

The NCoverExplorer MSBuild task seems to generate the FullCoverageReport into the current working directory regardless of what settings are passed into the tasks OutputDir or HtmlReportName properties.

I subclassed the task to set the working directory for the tool to the specified OutputDir to resolve this issue, but it should be fixed.

[code:f0c72] public class NCoverExplorer : global::NCoverExplorer.MSBuildTasks.NCoverExplorer { private string _workingDirectory;

protected override string GetWorkingDirectory()
    if (_workingDirectory != null)
        return _workingDirectory;

    return base.GetWorkingDirectory();

public override bool Execute()
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OutputDir))
        _workingDirectory = OutputDir;

    return base.Execute();

} [/code:f0c72]

Re: MSBuild task NCoverExlporer wrong output dir FullCoverageRep


Thank you for informing us of this problem. We have created and tested a fix which will be included in the next version of NCover.