Extract or api to query code branch execution

Extract or api to query code branch execution

It would be great if there was a way to obtain the branch execution knowledge via xml or an api.

There are times that I am looking at a method having 95-99.5% code coverage and I would like to know what branch or parameter is being analyzed to determine the code branch.

If additional information is needed, feel free to contact me.

Joe Feser

RE: Extract or api to query code branch execution

Joe Fester,

We currently provide very basic branch information in the xml report and we are planning to improve it by release 2.5. Showing which parameters led to which branch is a very long term task for us because of its difficulty and its (apparent) limited usefulness/demand. If there was a large demand for the feature we could increase its priority and bump it to version 3.5 or 3.0, but we do not have any immediate plans for implementing it.

Regards, Stephen Ward