Silent Installation script for NUnit, NCover and NCoverExplo

Silent Installation script for NUnit, NCover and NCoverExplo

I want to have a single script for installing NUnit, NCover and NCoverExplorer together silently. Are any of you using a script for silent installation of these tools?

If yes, please provide me that script. If that is not the case, please provide me some indicators in developing the same



Re: Silent Installation script for NUnit, NCover and NCoverExplo

I don't have such a script, but I'd be interested in knowing if someone has developed one.

Re: InvalidProgramException

Just to be clear - when using TestDriven.Net, you are using the "Test with Coverage" command, and that works all the way through to showing your results in NCoverExplorer? If thats the case thats hopefully "good news" in terms of we should be able to get it running from the console too.

How about posting your exact command line so we can take a look?

Re: InvalidProgramException

Yes, that is correct. 

I am invoking NCover.Console.exe with the following command line:

S:\Common\DotNetDevTools\MbUnit\MbUnit.Cons.exe /rnf:unittest /rt:xml /rf:S:\DataBridgeWS-DEV\Build\net\2.0\Release\bin\XmlResults Common.Schemas.Repository.Test.dll //x Common.Schemas.Repository.Test-coverage.xml //w S:\DataBridgeWS-DEV\Build\net\2.0\Release\bin

which yields the following output:

[exec] NCover.Console v1.5.4 - Code Coverage Analysis for .NET -
[exec] Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Peter Waldschmidt
[exec] Command: S:\Common\DotNetDevTools\MbUnit\MbUnit.Cons.exe
[exec] Command Args: /rnf:Common.Schemas.Repository.Test.dll-results /rt:xml /rf:S:\DataBridgeWS-DEV\Build\net\2.0\Release\bin\XmlResults Common.Schemas.Repository.Test.dll
[exec] Working Directory: S:\DataBridgeWS-DEV\Build\net\2.0\Release\bin
[exec] Assemblies:
[exec] Coverage Xml: S:\DataBridgeWS-DEV\Build\net\2.0\Release\bin\XmlResults\Common.Schemas.Repository.Test.dll-coverage.xml
[exec] Coverage Log: Coverage.Log
[exec] Waiting for profiled application to connect...
[exec] ******************* Program Output *******************
[exec] MbUnit Console Application (running on .Net
[exec] Author: Jonathan de Halleux
[exec] Get the latest at
[exec] ------------------------------------------
[exec] /assembly-path:<string> short form /ap Path where assembly can be loaded
[exec] /report-folder:<string> short form /rf Target output folder for the reports
[exec] /report-name-format:<string> short form /rnf Format string for the report name. {0} is replaced by the date, {1} by the time.Default = mbunit-{0}{1}
[exec] /report-type:{Xml|Html|Text|Dox} short form /rt Report types supported: Xml, Html, Text
[exec] /show-reports[+|-] short form /sr Show generated reports in a window
[exec] /filter-category:<string> short form /fc Name of the filtered category
[exec] /filter-author:<string> short form /fa Name of the filtered author name
[exec] /filter-type:<string> short form /ft Name of the filtered type
[exec] /filter-namespace:<string> short form /fn Name of the filtered namespace
[exec] /verbose[+|-] short form /v Return a lot of information or not...
[exec] /shadow-copy-files[+|-] short form /sc Enabled/disable shadow copying of the assemblies
[exec] @<file> Read response file for more options
[exec] <Files>
[exec] ------------------------------------------
[exec] Parsed arguments:
[exec] -- Parsed Arguments
[exec] Files:
[exec] Common.Schemas.Repository.Test.dll
[exec] Assembly paths:
[exec] Report folder: S:\DataBridgeWS-DEV\Build\net\2.0\Release\bin\XmlResults
[exec] Report Name Format: Common.Schemas.Repository.Test.dll-results
[exec] Report types:
[exec] Xml
[exec] Show reports: False
[exec] Filter Category:
[exec] Filter Author:
[exec] Filter Namespace:
[exec] Filter Type:
[exec] Verbose: False
[exec] ShadowCopyFiles: False
[exec] Start time: 10:13 AM
[exec] Loading test assemblies
[exec] Starting execution
[exec] Sorting assemblies by dependencies
[exec] etting up fixture colors
[exec] Loading Common.Schemas.Repository.Test
[exec] Found 1141 tests
[exec] Running fixtures.
[exec] Tests finished: 1141 tests, 959 success, 182 failures, 0 ignored
[exec] All Tests finished: 1141 tests, 959 success, 182 failures, 0 ignored in 20.90625 seconds
[exec] Creating reports in S:\DataBridgeWS-DEV\Build\net\2.0\Release\bin\XmlResults
[exec] Created xml report S:\DataBridgeWS-DEV\Build\net\2.0\Release\bin\XmlResults\Common.Schemas.Repository.Test.dll-results.xml
[exec] MbUnit execution finished in 83.265625s.
[exec] ***************** End Program Output *****************

Re: InvalidProgramException

My bad, I told you wrong.  It works under TestDriven in Debug model only.  I get the same exact 200 failures in Release mode.

Re: InvalidProgramException

Release mode? You mean doing a release build? Are you still generating .pdbs, which NCover needs to profile?

Re: InvalidProgramException

Yes, its a release build.  All the PDBs are there.  Its only 200 tests that fail, all making use of a derived base test fixture and generics.

Re: Coverage of windows services...

I am facing the exact same situation. Did you ever get yours resolved ??


- K.

Re: Coverage of windows services...

No, I never got it resolved. 

I've since moved to a different method of building services (and the web apps too)

I use a standalone class library with all the core functionality, then the (web/windows) service just uses the core, and calls the core methods directly.   It makes the actual code running as the windows service or as a web service extremely small.  I can then use nunit and test on the core assembly too, and not have to worry about having nunit make web service calls, or installing test windows services.

The code in the service being just a method call, I'm happy enough not to have it tested.