Can't choose installation location

Can't choose installation location

I'm wondering why the 'Browse...' button is disabled during the install. Such that I cannot install it where I want to?

FAQ should help you with this

I ran into the same problem. I think the FAQ (in your installation folder NCover\NCoverFAQ.html) respond to that in chapter: 11. How do I "xcopy deploy" NCover like my other build tools?

I'm trying to do that to have NCover 2.0 used by TestDriven.NET 2.0, will let you know if I'm lucky.

Reply To: Can't choose installation location

PandaWood and xavier,

Gnoso does not officially allow installation of NCover to paths other than C:\Program Files\NCover at this time. To deploy to another folder, please install NCover normally and then xcopy deploy (following the instructions in the FAQ) to whatever folder you choose.

PandaWood: My apologies for the confusion that the "browse" button caused you. I will see that it is removed in the next release.

Regards, Stephen Ward