WCF service coverage - "best" practice?

WCF service coverage - "best" practice?

I needed to have a quick view on the usage of a win service (WCF) by the tests on its client.

What I did was - I installed NCover in the NCover folder of "TestDriven.NET" (v2.11) which was quite easy. - I then ran NCover.Console on my service (using the //svc) and launched the "test with...\Coverage" in VS.NET. - I obtained the first result directly in NCoverExplorer (which correspond to the coverage of the client). - I stopped the service test and merged the "coverage.xml" with the previous result.

It works and I see both my client and service dlls. I just want to know if there is a better to do this, using TestDriven.NET? I intend to script it to include it in the CCTray tasks later, but I just want to have a quick view via Visual Studio.

WCf Service Coverage Best Practice

I would do it exactly the way you've described.