Cruisecontrol.NET build result

Cruisecontrol.NET build result

Hi im trying to get a ncover report integrated in the built project overview, the webdashboard for

The report is a ncoverreport created by a nant-task. The report get merged into the result according to the buildlog. I can see the xml-element coveragereport2 there. In the config i have the xsl file NCoverExplorerSummary, but at the buildreport page i cant se nothing from NCover. I Have cheched the NCoverExplorerSummary and it tries to get the element coveragereport2.

First i tried to get a ordinary summary at the buildreport page, from the ncover-result.xml (also merged in the config), it showed up at the buildreport page, but said that there was no coverage at all. But the ncover-result.xml and the NCoverSummare.xsl exists, and the values in ncover-result.xml tells me that there was a coverage.

So booth times it seems like it cant find the results, what could be wrong?


RE: Cruisecontrol.NET build result

Since you're trying to show reports from the NAnt build task, you'll have to add NCoverExplorer.xsl to the dashboard.config file, and make sure that the ccnet.config file knows where to find the coverage xml file. There is a guide to integrating NCover coverage reports with CC .NET here:


RE: Cruisecontrol.NET build result

I did that, but it did not work. After restarting the IISADMIN service it all worked. Maybe a hint about that should be in the guide

Thanks anyway