Profiled process terminated. Profiler connection not establi

Profiled process terminated. Profiler connection not establi


I am using NCover with CruiseControl. When I run my project on Win XP box everything seems to be fine when I move it on Win 2003 box then ncover hangs for a minute or two and then displays following error: Profiled process terminated. Profiler connection not established.

Any idea what's going wrong?



Re: Question about NCover and generator methods, possible bug?

Hi there,

Thanks for the great repro. According to the coverage.xml file it is showing a Dispose method being called at that same seqpnt location as the Console.WriteLine. So in actual fact if you look closely at the NCoverExplorer gui output, you will see that the line is both marked as visited and unvisited!

I have added a test project for Peter to take a look at. It may not get fixed in the very next release as I'm trying to make that a "showstopper bug fix" release to sort some long-standing issues. However I will ask the question as to how easy it may be to resolve it in the future.

Re: Running NCover-Console from commandline?

Same problem here :-(

Re: Running NCover-Console from commandline?

Have you tried //a and //v ?

Re: Running NCover-Console from commandline?

Hi guys -- I think your problem here is that the syntax for the command has changed, but the documentation hasn't been updated yet.

Run ncover.console by itself and you'll find the new syntax:

NCover.Console v1.5.4 - Code Coverage Analysis for .NET -
Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Peter Waldschmidt

Usage: ncover.console [<command> [<command args>]]
                      [//svc <service name>]
                      [//iis] [//v] [//q]
                      [//a <assembly list>] [//l <log file>]
                      [//x <xml output file>]
                      [//s [<settings file>]] [//r [<settings file>]]
                      [//w <working directory>]

       Example command line to launch profiled application
         ncover.console myapp.exe arg1 arg2
         ncover.console //svc MyService
         ncover.console //iis

       NOTE: Any command line parameters that do not start with '//' are passed to the profiled application on its command line.

Hope that helps.

Re: Running NCover-Console from commandline?

Hi John,
First of all, use double slashes for all parameters you want to pass to NCover. All other parameters will be used for the application to profile. What params can be used: Run the console without any params to find out.
Seccond: Do not add the .dll extension in the assemblies parameter. NCover will add them for you.

But even when you/I do all this, I still get the error...

Re: Running NCover-Console from commandline?

Post your command line, exactly which version of NCover you are using and the output and we can take a look...

Re: Running NCover-Console from commandline?

For later reference: See also (forum thread called "manual?".