NCover strips quotation marks

NCover strips quotation marks

NCover strips quotation marks from the arguments passed to the application being run. When using file names containing spaces as arguments, those files cannot be found by the application.

C:\Programme\NCover\NCover.Console.exe //x "D:\Dokumente\SharpDevelop Projects\UnitTest\NCover\Coverage.Xml" //l "D:\Dokumente\SharpDevelop Projects\UnitTest\NCover\Coverage.log" "D:\Corsavy\SharpDevelop\bin\Tools\MbUnit\MbUnit.Cons.exe" /report-name-format:mbunit /report-type:Xml /report-folder:"D:\Dokumente\SharpDevelop Projects\UnitTest\NCover" "D:\Dokumente\SharpDevelop Projects\UnitTest\bin\Debug\UnitTest.dll"
NCover.Console v1.5.2 - Code Coverage Analysis for .NET -
Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Peter Waldschmidt

Command: D:\Corsavy\SharpDevelop\bin\Tools\MbUnit\MbUnit.Cons.exe
Command Args: /report-name-format:mbunit /report-type:Xml /report-folder:D:\Dokumente\SharpDevelop Projects\UnitTest\NCover D:\Dokumente\SharpDevelop Projects\UnitTest\bin\Debug\UnitTest.dll

Re: NCover pops a modal dialog during testing

Hi Ayende,

Are you absolutely sure about having nothing referencing the E:\ drive in either your code/pdb? Someone posted something similar once before, and they found that they had an old version of their assemblies referenced in the GAC, which was pointing to their "original" source code location of the non-existent drive.

Re: NUnit crashes when run through NCover. Instruction 0x791bc8

Hi Dave,

Be interested to see if anyone else has some insights on this. I have seen something similar only very intermittently (like once every few months) - then it seems to go away after a while when perhaps the code in the assembly is changed or tests are run in different combinations/order. Unfortunately the 1.4.x versions mentioned in that thread have other issues from being "betas" (the output being completely unusable from one of them due to rogue characters as I blogged about here). Peter no longer makes those publicly available on this site.

Your other option might be to use the latest NCover versions (1.5.4 currently). It requires .Net 2.0 on your machine to run, but it profiles .Net 1.1 framework applications as well as .Net 2.0 ones. Of course you may well be in the situation we have been in of not even being allowed the .Net 2.0 RTM on our machines which precludes it.

Unfortunately the source code for the NCover 1.4.x versions doesn't seem to be available being ancient history now so we can't try to fix those other issues. Peter would also appear to have understandably chosen to focus his limited time on the 1.5 versions. That leaves those of us on 1.3.3 with crossed fingers that things continue to "usually" work until we are "allowed" to upgrade our development environment. At this "price" it's one of the risks.
