How to I get rid of "Reload Dialog Box" in 2.1

How to I get rid of "Reload Dialog Box" in 2.1

Upgraded to 2.1 and basically NCoverExplorer has regressed. I'm using Vista 64. Everytime I run the Coverage, it tells me the coverage has changed and do I want to reload it. Duh, who was responsible for that feature, I can find no option to turn it off.

What is worse, it you have to nagivate back to the area you were working on! What a waste of time. The old one reloaded the file and left you in the same place. A real step backward.

Second, the scroll wheel does not work in the pane that shows the code. It works in the other ones. The old one worked in both. Guys, you are selling testing. What do you think this looks like to a user?

None the less, NCover is a good product.

RE: How to I get rid of "Reload Dialog Box" in 2.1

Bug ID 1289 has been created for this post.

The original intent of the auto reload was to give people the option of reloading the coverage file if it was changed from outside of the current NCover Explorer instance.

There is a strange timing issue where it wants to reload while running certain tests.

The scrolling issues seems to be a focus issue. If you click in the window, the mouse scrolls as expected.

RE: How to I get rid of "Reload Dialog Box" in 2.1

I am observing the same behavior for the mouse scroll in both 2.0.4 and 2.1.0.

Can you give a more detailed description of how to reproduce it?

Thank you,


RE: How to I get rid of "Reload Dialog Box" in 2.1

I've been playing with the scrollig. On XP, the scrolling works, on Vista64 it does not.

On Vista64, the scrolling works on two windows, but not on the text windows. Sorry I cannot be of more help. But it is not a focus problem in the "operator" sense.

RE: How to I get rid of "Reload Dialog Box" in 2.1

Which two windows does scrolling work on? Which text window does scrolling not work on (the source view window or the console output window)? If you click on the text window and then try to scroll, does it work then?
