invalid NCover coverage xml file

invalid NCover coverage xml file

Hi! I have web-application in IIS, when I run Ncover for it , then get message "Invalid NCover xml file: ..." and file Coverage.xml is empty.

My system: Win2003 enterprise x64 , SP2 NCover:, x64

file coverage.log: //---------------------------------------- (0x00000E04) MESSAGE: Profiler Starting (0x00000E04) EVENT: Communications link established. (0x00000E04) MESSAGE: Ready for command input. (0x00000E04) EVENT: Verbose Logging Disabled (0x00000E04) EVENT: Logging Enabled (0x00000E04) EVENT: AutoExclusion Enabled (0x00000E04) MESSAGE: Monitoring Assemblies: (All Loaded Assemblies) (0x00000E04) MESSAGE: Skipping System Assemblies: msvcm90;msvcp90;msvcr90;msvcm90d;msvcp90d;msvcr90d;msvcm80;msvcp80;msvcr80;msvcm80d;msvcp80d;msvcr80d;mscorcfg;mscorlib;sysglobl;Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility;Microsoft.VisualBasic;Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa;Microsoft.VisualC;Microsoft.Vsa;Microsoft.Vsa.Vb.CodeDOMProcessor;Microsoft_VsaVb;Microsoft.Build.Conversion;Microsoft.Build.Engine;Microsoft.Build.Framework;Microsoft.Build.Tasks;Microsoft.Build.Utilities;Microsoft.Build.VisualJSharp;Microsoft.CompactFramework.Build.Tasks;Microsoft.JScript;Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge;Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc;Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data;PresentationBuildTasks;PresentationCore;PresentationFramework;PresentationFramework.Aero;PresentationFramework.Classic;PresentationFramework.Luna;PresentationFramework.Royale;ReachFramework;System;System.configuration;System.Configuration.Install;System.Data;System.Data.OracleClient;System.Data.SqlXml;System.Deployment;System.Design;System.DirectoryServices;System.DirectoryServices.Protocols;System.Drawing;System.Drawing.Design;System.EnterpriseServices;System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk;System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper;System.IdentityModel;System.IdentityModel.Selectors;System.IO.Log;System.Management;System.Messaging;System.Printing;System.Runtime.Remoting;System.Runtime.Serialization;System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;System.Security;SMDiagnostics;System.ServiceModel;System.ServiceProcess;System.Speech;System.Transactions;System.Web;System.Web.Mobile;System.Web.RegularExpressions;System.Web.Services;System.Windows.Forms;System.Workflow.Activities;System.Workflow.ComponentModel;System.Workflow.Runtime;System.XML;UIAutomationClient;UIAutomationClientsideProviders;UIAutomationProvider;UIAutomationTypes;WindowsBase;WindowsFormsIntegration; (0x00000E04) MESSAGE: Excluding Types and Methods with these Attributes: (No Exclusions Specified) (0x00000E04) MESSAGE: Excluding Methods matching these patterns: (No Exclusions Specified) (0x00000E04) MESSAGE: Excluding Types matching these patterns: (No Exclusions Specified) //------------------------------------------

What is it? and how it to correct?

RE: invalid NCover coverage xml file


1) does NCover print a "no data found" exception message? 2) check the log for messages similiar to "loaded for"; if there are none, then NCover can't find the PDBs


RE: invalid NCover coverage xml file

  • Doesn't print "no data found" exception
  • yes, these messages are missing, but I specified a path to a directory with these files.

RE: invalid NCover coverage xml file


This question is more involved that I can easily answer in the forums. If you could email a complete verbose log file to support at gnoso dot com and reference this forum thread, I'd be happy to continue helping.


RE: invalid NCover coverage xml file


I am also getting same error message while running through NCoverExplorer or NCover.Console. This is the exact message: Command: C:\Program Files\DEV\Startup.exe Command Args: Working Directory: C:\Program Files\DEV Assemblies: Dac.Client;Dac.Converter;Dac.Core;Pool.Charting;Pool.Common;Pool.Communication;Pool.Content;Pool.Controller;Pool.GenericView;Pool.Gui;Pool.KerberosAuth;Pool.OceanGrid;Pool.QueryControls;Pool.Samples;Pool.StringResourceMgr;Pool.Tools;Pool.TreeMap

Program Output


-- Top-level exception (System.Exception) No data was collected. -- Stack Trace at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver._GetCoverageData() at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver.Execute() at NCover.ConsoleMain.ConsoleMain.Main(String[] args)

The profiled program returned 20000

I have additional folders for each assembly under the working directory. I have placed the dll and pdb files in the respective assembly folder.

As per your earlier email, becoz of the dlls not being found, i am getting that error. Can you clarify and help on this?


RE: invalid NCover coverage xml file

Are you saying that the dll's are not in the same folder as the executable?

Did you set up probing paths in the app.config file?

Does the application run if you run it from the command line without NCover?


RE: invalid NCover coverage xml file

Working directory has the executable file, config file, xml file and a folder with different folders as per the assembly names. In this case Pool.Samples, Pool.Common, Dac.Core folders are visible and the dlls and pdbs are added to these folders.

I am able to run the app from the command prompt using just the executable file.

RE: invalid NCover coverage xml file

Can you perform a dir /s and send the output.

I want to verify I understand the directory structure.

Why are the dll's not in the same folder as the application?


RE: invalid NCover coverage xml file

Hi joe,

Did you get a chance to test the scenario?


RE: invalid NCover coverage xml file

I did and was not able to reproduce the issue. I need a little more detail on how your assembly.loads are being performed.

If you were able to debug out the paths of where the assemblies were being loaded, it may show that the paths are absolute instead of relative, or that shadow copy is on.

Did you make sure that shadow copy was off in ncover and nunit?
