//ea ignore class attribute does not work

//ea ignore class attribute does not work

I've tried everything I can think of and I can not get the //ea option to work to ignore certain classes.

I am using NCover1.5.4. Here is my code being tested:





public class AnnouncementDetailDS : DataSet {

I want ncover to ignore this class because it is a VS generated strongly typed data-set.

I tried //ea "Serializable", //ea "System.SerializableAttribute", //ea "System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute", //ea "ToolboxItem".

I can't get anything to exclude the class and it's methods.

Re: NCover 1.5.8 - VerificationException

Finally managed to locate it; I had the core project set with minimal permissions - if I change it to request FullTrust, then NCover collects information correctly.

Re: NCover 1.5.8 - VerificationException

I had the same problem. I traced it down to this attribute added to the assembly.info class

[assembly: PermissionSet(SecurityAction.RequestOptional, Name = "Nothing")]

Re: How can I see Ncover 1.5.* reports in my CCNet?

It depends which combination of coverage stylesheets you are using.

You haven't mentioned NCoverExplorer so assuming you are not (yet) using it and are instead using the default NCover xsl stylesheets that come with CruiseControl.Net... If so then all you should need to do is make sure you have a <merge> publisher in your CC.Net project for the coverage.xml file produced by NCover. Check the raw CC.Net build output xml file to make sure the NCover results have merged in correctly, and that there are results in that section (not just an empty node).

If you instead want the (in my totally biased opinion) prettier, quicker and more useful report output using NCoverExplorer, then there are a series of steps you need to do to substitute in the NCoverExplorer stylesheets, as well as running NCoverExplorer.Console to produce the xml they need. You can find the blog entry when I first added this feature here:
and the instructions are also within the NCoverExplorer.Extras.zip file along with all the stylesheets etc.