Invalid NCover coverage xml file

Invalid NCover coverage xml file

NCoverExplorer Problem

Invalid NCover coverage xml file:

{path removed}\bin\Debug\Coverage.xml


I am on server 2003 x64 with Visual Studio 2008. I get the same error when I run from within VS as when I run from NCoverExplorer. I do not get this error on an x86 target.


(0x00001F48) MESSAGE: Profiler Starting (0x00001F48) MESSAGE: NCover Profiler (0x00001F48) EVENT: Communications link established. (0x00001F48) MESSAGE: Ready for command input. (0x00001F48) EVENT: Verbose Logging Disabled (0x00001F48) EVENT: Logging Disabled

Coverage.xml has file size 1 KB but appears to be empty.

Has anyone seen this?

RE: Invalid NCover coverage xml file

Upgraded to Same issue.

Program Output


-- Top-level exception (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException) External component has thrown an exception. -- Stack Trace at CxxThrowException(Void* , sThrowInfo ) at ShMemReader.GetMemoryPointer(ShMemReader , UInt32 addr) at ShMemLinkedList.getHeadNode(ShMemLinkedList , ShMemReader rdr) at ShMemLinkedList.count(ShMemLinkedList , ShMemReader rdr) at NCover.Data.MwShMemLinkedList<NCover::Interfaces::IModuleInfo ^\,ModuleInfo\,NCover::Data::ModuleInfoConverter>.ge t_Count() at NCover.Framework.CoverageData.ReadBinary() at NCover.Framework.CoverageData..ctor(INCoverData data) at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver.GetCoverageData() at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver.Execute() at NCover.ConsoleMain.ConsoleMain.Main(String[] args)

RE: Invalid NCover coverage xml file

Are you running as Administrator?

RE: Invalid NCover coverage xml file

Yes, I am running as administrator.

I tried this morning on a different assembly. I get the invalid coverage error twice, have a much longer coverage.log file.

RE: Invalid NCover coverage xml file

for v2.1.2 and v2.1.0, it looks like you need to register the NCover.lib.x64.dll using regsvr32, and potentially use the //reg argument as well.