MSBuild Error with //a

MSBuild Error with //a

I am using the latest version of TypeMock and NUnit.

I can run the following command line just fine. TMockRunner.exe -first -link NCover2.0 ncover.console.exe //a AssemblyToTest.dll nunit-console.exe Test_Library.dll /noshadow /include=UnitTest

However, once I plug this into the NCover MSBuild task, I get errors saying the coverage.log file is locked. Nothing runs at all. from the configuration but I need to limit what NCover actually looks at since we are just starting to integrate testing.

Thanks for looking into this.

RE: MSBuild Error with //a

The msbuild task you posted is equivalent to a command line that looks like:

ncover.console.exe tmockrunner.exe -first -link NCover2.0 ncover.console.exe //a assemblytotest.dll nunit-console.exe test_library.dll /noshadow /include=UnitTest //w $(CoverageResults) //x coverage.xml //l coverage.log //pm nunit-console.exe //a assemblytotet.dll

is that what you meant to do? note especially that ncover is running itself. I think that the task you want to run looks like this:

RE: MSBuild Error with //a

Thanks. worked like a charm once I added in the assemblies for NUnit.