NCover and ccnet

NCover and ccnet


i've followed the instructions for integrating into the ccnet report (ccnet v1.4.0).

The ncover genrated reports are merged into the build log. I can see a <coverage...> node. The dashboard report shows two sections like this at the end of the report.

NCover results:
Covered lines: 0 Uncovered lines: 0 Total coverage: NaN%

NCover results:
Covered lines: 0 Uncovered lines: 0 Total coverage: NaN%

Has anyone seen this before?

Many thanks, B.

RE: NCover and ccnet

which .xsl file are you using? The "coverage" node should be interpreted by the "NCover.xsl" file, but "coveragereport2" nodes should be interpreted by the "NCoverExplorer.xsl" file

RE: NCover and ccnet

Using NCoverExplorer.xsl. Looks like the build needs updating to produce the correct report. Thanks for the pointer.

RE: NCover and ccnet

not a problem