The specified executable is not a valid Win32 appl

The specified executable is not a valid Win32 appl

Hi I've downloaded the trial version 2.1.2. I'm getting this error when I run NCover.Console.exe with NAnt task. The same appears when I run from NCover Explorer too. Can someone help me with this?

[ncover] Exception [ncover] [ncover] -- Top-level exception (NCover.Framework.ProfilerRuntimeException) [ncover] The process could not be started. Ensure that it runs outside of NCover. [ncover] -- Stack Trace [ncover] at NCover.Framework.StartupProfiledProcess._StartProcess() [ncover] at NCover.Framework.StartupProfiledProcess.Start() [ncover] at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver.Execute() [ncover] at NCover.ConsoleMain.ConsoleMain.Main(String[] args) [ncover] -- Inner exceptions [ncover] The specified executable is not a valid Win32 application. [ncover] [ncover] End Program Output ******

RE: The specified executable is not a valid Win32 appl

could you post you nant task?