HTML reports integrated in CC.NET build dashboard

HTML reports integrated in CC.NET build dashboard

This concerns NCover 2.1.

I have CC.NET and NCover working well already, I'm happy with all xsl-transform reports using NCover.xsl and NCoverExplorer.xsl. Very nice. Getting that to work is not my problem.

The goal Now I want to integrate also the HTML-report into the build server dashboard so it can be browsed from there with all the fancy code line coloring. This would allow managers and developers to share a prepared single view on detailed code coverage just by browsing a URL, without the need to install, compile and/or run any tools locally.

So far the build script creates an HTML-report and copies it to the build output directory, no problem.

The problem How do I get it into the build report?

  • I can't merge the HTML-report into the build xml file ... and emit w xpath from xsl ... I suppose, or is that possible?

  • And I can't just link to it either, because ... well, what would be the relative path?

It would seem trivial. Anybody have a clue on how to do it?

RE: HTML reports integrated in CC.NET build dashboard

yeah, html reports in CC.NET do pose an interesting problem.

I suggest copying the html report to somewhere web-accessable to the website. for example, if is located at \ccnet\ and is web-accessable at (which maps to \ccnet) then stick the reports in \ccnet\reports\\

Then have your build script emit xml that contains the buildnumber and relative path; something like

which gets transformed into:

then stick the xml and the xsl you created in the appropriate places in your directory.

RE: HTML reports integrated in CC.NET build dashboard

Awesome answer, thanks!

Did this and now have it up and running, just what I needed.

PS. I'm willing to share snippets of my solution. However, all tag attributes disappeared when I previewed my post including them making the snippets useless (tried code/pre/etc). If there a way to post full snippets (XML-file template, NAnt target, XSL-file etc), let me know.

RE: HTML reports integrated in CC.NET build dashboard

yeah, we're working on showing tags correctly. I need to check w/ the web team, but I think it will be fixed when the new website rolls out.