Detail vs Summary Report in CC.Net

Detail vs Summary Report in CC.Net

I have just configured my build system ( & msbuild) to generate coverage reports and am looking for advice, experience reports and how-tos on best practices.

What's the best way to configure to satisfy these goals? (I am most interested in the first two.)

  1. Send a very high level report over email (with the same report appearing in the CC.Net Build Report summary page) showing coverage at the assembly level.

  2. Include a more detailed report (class level) that will show up in the NCover Report tab in CC.Net.

  3. Make a full coverage report available for further (& rarer) investigation of coverage gaps.

  4. Have trend reports show up in CC.Net - probably on the Build report page.

I am very familiar with CC & coverage and builds in the java world but somewhat new to .Net.

I have got as far as making the class level summary show up in the both the Build Report and the NCover Report tab but even this is waaaay too much detail for the summary report.

I described my goals - but if someone has a better suggestion, I'd like to hear it. One constraint: we don't yet have ncover licenses for all our developers. Even if we did, I'd still like to make as much useful information available as possible through CC.Net without overwhelming a casual observer with detail.

Thanks in advance,


RE: Detail vs Summary Report in CC.Net

We are working on white papers and best practices over the next few weeks. We will add this to the list of documents to write.

Thank you for your feedback.
