NCover and MStest

NCover and MStest


I am trying out an evaluation version of Ncover and currently an exception is thrown when using Ncover and a simple test program.

I am running on Vista 64 bit

Plese find below the details from the output window

NCover.Console v2.1.2 (Administrator x64) - Code Coverage Analysis for .NET Copyright (c) 2008 Gnoso Inc.

Registered to Customer #: 20737 NCover Enterprise Edition (1 User) 30 days left in the trial period.

Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe Command Args: /noisolation /testcontainer:TestProject3.dll Working Directory: C:\temp\ais\ConsoleApplication3\TestProject3\bin\x86\Debug Assemblies:

Program Output Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 9.0.21022.8 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading TestProject3.dll... Starting execution...

Results Top Level Tests

Passed TestProject3.Class1Test.addTest 1/1 test(s) Passed


Test Run Completed. Passed 1 --------- Total 1 Results file: C:\temp\ais\ConsoleApplication3\TestProject3\bin\x86\Debug\TestResults\AndrewIS_DEV-AIVESSMITH 2009-01-29 16_19_29.trx Run Configuration: Default Run Configuration


-- Top-level exception (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException) External component has thrown an exception. -- Stack Trace at CxxThrowException(Void* , sThrowInfo ) at ShMemReader.GetMemoryPointer(ShMemReader , UInt32 addr) at ShMemLinkedList.getHeadNode(ShMemLinkedList , ShMemReader rdr) at ShMemLinkedList.count(ShMemLinkedList , ShMemReader rdr) at NCover.Data.MwShMemLinkedList<NCover::Interfaces::IModuleInfo ^\,ModuleInfo\,NCover::Data::ModuleInfoConverter>.get_Count() at NCover.Framework.CoverageData.ReadBinary() at NCover.Framework.CoverageData..ctor(INCoverData data) at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver.GetCoverageData() at NCover.Framework.ProfilerDriver.Execute() at NCover.ConsoleMain.ConsoleMain.Main(String[] args)

The profiled program returned 20000

Please could you tell me what options are needed.

RE: NCover and MStest

You need to run the version of NCover in the Program Files (x86) and not program files.

You are using the 64 bit version of NCover to cover the 32 bit version of MSTest.

Hope this helps.
