Xml file size

Xml file size

The NCover task in my build generates a 40Mb xml file.

After the NCoverReporting task runs (with ReportFormat="Xml", ReportType="SymbolModuleNamespace"), I get another file that is almost as big.

That's not a problem in itself, but I merge that summary file into my CC.Net build results which means that every time someone hits the CC dashboard, it does an xslt transform on a 40Mb file - which is slow.

FWIW If I run with ReportFormat="Html", the resulting report is only 100k or so.

Just curious - is there a way to get the summary results file smaller?



RE: Xml file size

Since we do not know what type of report you are attempting to generate, we include all of the required data. The Xml File format is meant to be used by external applications that may need outside of the scope of the current xslt transform.

We could add the ability to only include data to a specific level (Mods/NS) but this is not currently supported.

Hope that helps.


RE: Xml file size

I am going to see if there is a flag we can add to trim the data down.

Look at the next release for this information.


RE: Xml file size

Does the report type not affect the contents of the xml file?


RE: Xml file size

I noticed that the NCoverReport task uses a ton (over 2Gb) of memory too.

Maybe filtering the output file would help reduce that?

RE: Xml file size

2gb seems really large.

What is the size of the coverage file and trend file at that point?

How many assemblies are loaded at that point?

Can you send an email to support@ncover.com and we can look into this further.

