Same entry multiple time in Explorer

Same entry multiple time in Explorer


I work with NCover 3, and with some projects I see on NCover Explorer multiple time the same entry in the explorer window with different coverage.

e.g myapp xx% myapp xx% myapp.Core xx% myapp.Core yy%

I saw this in earlier beta but then it was fixed, but I see it again now.

So is this normal or a bug ?

RE: Same entry multiple time in Explorer

this is expected behaviour for ncover, however, we are considering improving the behaviour to automatically account for the cause of that output.

RE: Same entry multiple time in Explorer


Could you explain the meaning of this, please.

RE: Same entry multiple time in Explorer


The assemblies show up multiple times because the CLR loads them multiple times. However, since the CLR reports each load as a unique key and we use that key to figure out whether we've instrumented an assembly or not. we instrument the assembly multiple times and so it shows up multiple times in the coverage output. That's why it's not a bug.

However, the behaviour is usually initially confusing, and it makes it very difficult to figure out what the coverage percentage of the assembly actually is, and that's why it will be fixed to match expectations. However, due to time constraints, the fix will not be in the bugfix we are pushing early next week, but it will probably make it into the bugfix after that one.

Stephen Ward

RE: Same entry multiple time in Explorer

Thanks Stephen for the answer

RE: Same entry multiple time in Explorer

this problem has been fixed in 3.0.15 -- NCover now merges coverage from the assemblies together before reporting on it.