Prj don't remember exlude assemblies

Prj don't remember exlude assemblies

After run a coverage I had exclude some assemblies and then save the prj, but each time, after run, excluded assemblies are reloaded and showed in the tree (the same without reload the prj).

RE: Prj don't remember exlude assemblies

Excluded assemblies must be defined before the coverage is run.

Once coverage is run, the only way to exclude data from the treeview is to use "Filters". These are post run and will save as long as you do one of two things.

  1. Save the project file that contains the filter.
  2. Save the coverage file. The coverage file will save the filters.

If you use #2, you can use this data to exclude the information from reports.

Does this help?


RE: Prj don't remember exlude assemblies

It is not so intuitive... Let me explain... Begin from the first run, so you don't ever see the coverage. Create a new prj, set the minimal configuration, run the coverage... at this point you have all information to take the decision about what you want include/exclude. Right-click to an assembly and select Exclude, Right-click to another assembly and select Exclude (note: I don't know what is ISymWrapper) Now you save the project.

What I'm expecting is that next time I'm going to upload the project NCover remember my configuration.

RE: Prj don't remember exlude assemblies

Right Click exclude creates a filter behind the scene. This does not add the item to the project to auto exclude on the next run.

This does bring up two interesting conditions we should support.

  1. Take my view Filters and move them to the project so they can be automatically excluded on the next run.

  2. Determine a way to take the filters and promote them to runtime exclusions.

At this time, the right click exclude are not going to be promoted to the project. Let me look on Monday and see if we can add a sync option.

NCover has Pre and Post filtering abilities. What you are working with is Post filtering.

On the ISymWrapper issue, are you copying ncover to a different folder and not moving the ncover.console.exe.config file with it? ISymWrapper is a dll used with MbUnit and we exclude that by default. It is defined in the config file for nunit.conole.exe.config.

Please check to make sure the config file exists and it has ISymWrapper in the exclude section. V3.0.9+ already has this option.

What version on NCover are you running?


RE: Prj don't remember exlude assemblies


RE: Prj don't remember exlude assemblies

When you right click and exclude, it is for the current view and not the project.

We have had requests in the past to move the current coverage file filters into the project.

This is currently not supported.

You can save the coverage files, copy the filters section from the coverage file and place it in the project file.

This feature is on the list of items to resolve.


RE: Prj don't remember exlude assemblies

Hi, i was also interested in having this feature, where you can import/export filter configurations from project to project. Is this scheduled to be in the next release? Also, you mention in the previous message that "You can save the coverage files, copy the filters section from the coverage file and place it in the project file.". Is there another way to "copy the filters section" besides copying by hand, one at a time?



RE: Prj don't remember exlude assemblies

This is not available at this time.

I can throw together a command line tool to copy the settings if this would work as a stop gap?

Does that sound like a solution until we can put the functionality in NCover Explorer?


RE: Prj don't remember exlude assemblies

Hi Joe,

I know it's been a while, but if the offer is still on the table, could i take you up on that command line tool to copy the settings?



RE: Prj don't remember exlude assemblies

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